The purpose of studying statistics is to be able to develop critical and analytic thinking skills. Aqa igcse further maths revision notes formulas given in formula sheet. A level notes, videos and examples i have put together the following selection of excellent resources to help you prepare for your a level exams. Here are some materials to help you with the teaching and learning of it. The legacy fmsp produced a large series of short videos to support the content of asa level further mathematics. These two websites provide brilliantly detailed notes and.
The notes are particularity useful if you save them to your phone or tablet, so you have your notes with you wherever you are. Corbettmaths videos, worksheets, 5 a day and much more. A level maths revision notes a level maths revision. Previously code 4pm0 20112018 the edexcel international general certificate of secondary education international gcse in further pure mathematics is designed for use in schools and colleges. To get all my further maths resources at a superdiscounted price follow this link. I have had the pleasure of teaching this qualification from aqa each year since it started in 2012, and i love it. Its bursting with crystalclear revision notes and worked examples for the core pure topics as well as the further pure 1, further statistics 1, further mechanics 1 and decision mathematics 1 options. Function notation video practice questions answers. Select your exam board to find your exam specification. Also offers zclass high quality past paper walkthroughs made.
Its bursting with crystalclear revision notes and worked examples for the core pure topics as well as the further pure 1, further statistics 1, further mechanics 1 and decision. Alevel further maths pure revision notes and example questions. Surds rationalising denominators video practice questions answers. Huge thanks to all individuals and organisations who share teaching resources. Apr 08, 2015 the best additional maths o level notes, revision guides, tips and websites compiled from all around the world at one place for your ease so you can prepare for your tests and examinations with the satisfaction that you have the best resources available to you. If youre looking for fp2 resources, theres a good selection here from suffolk maths and a couple of revision links at the bottom of this page. Alevel maths and further maths notes hs revision notes. Complex numbers stuart the examsolutions guy 20180404t10. A level maths revision maths worksheets past papers. Trigonometry a level maths revision section covering. Surds additionsubtraction video practice questions answers. Edexcel a level further maths past papers ocr a level maths past. Edexcel past papers further pure mathematics choose qualifications.
A level maths mechanics revision notes 1 kinematics distance a scalar quantity with no direction 160 m displacement a vector quantity measured from the starting position 40 m east of starting point position a vector quantity distance from a fixed origin. Alevel further maths revision notes bundle tes resources. Whether you are looking a level maths past papers or you are searching for a level maths revision materials mme is here to help. Here are some resources to help you in working towards taking asa level further mathematics. The resource includes not only revision notes and worksheets, but also handy revision leaflets and video walkthroughs. These videos are all 510 minutes in length and break the content into bitesized pieces.
It deals with describing a set of data graphically. Our a level maths easter revision courses 2020 have been cancelled due to covid19. How i got an a in further maths alicedoesphysics youtube. These notes are lessons delivered by myself to my own students so if you have missed any lessons or just feel the need to brush up, please take a look.
Also offering past papers and notes for aqa, edexcel and ocr. If you wish to boost your grades, are retaking, or wish to revise. Gcse maths revision edexcel best revision websites. Aqa level 2 certificate in further mathematics revision on. Mar 14, 2015 posts about notes written by corbettmaths. A level maths revision notes on this page you will find a complete set of lesson notes for the a level maths syllabus as taught from september 2017. This is a complete set of handwritten revision notes for edexcel alevel further maths pure, but it is relevant for other specifications.
Alevel further maths pure revision notes and example. This is a complete set of handwritten revision notes for edexcel alevel further maths statistics, but it is relevant for other specifications. May 07, 2018 a level maths revision isnt the best of topics to be going over, but here to relieve the stress are five helpful websites to make the process a lot more easier. C1, c2, c3, c4, m1, m2, s1, s2, d1, fp1 revision notes for aqa specification, by maths box. Hs revision notes is a gcse a level revision website created and maintained by a current ucl theoretical physics student. Ultimate revision guide for further maths gcse index of. A level further maths online revision courses, march 2829, 2020we offer complete, highquality revision and preparation courses for a level further pure core maths compulsory content via online zoom webinars conducted by an experienced oxford graduate college further maths teacher and tutor.
Subscribe to our youtube channel for notifications of all of our latest videos, click the button below. This page lists recommended resources for teaching edexcel further pure 1, organised by topic. Revision notes, summary sheets with key points, checklists, worksheets, topic questions and papers for aqa, edexcel, ocr, mei further pure 1 maths alevel. Apr 10, 2019 this is a complete set of handwritten revision notes for edexcel alevel further maths, but it is relevant for other specifications. Further maths revision notes a level maths revision. I do have old notes for physics, chemistry and biology all pure.
A level further maths revision videos, exam questions and more for edexcel. Edexcel igcse further pure mathematics 4pm1 e learning video updated to latest syllabus 4pm1. Apr 10, 2019 this is a complete set of handwritten revision notes for edexcel alevel further maths pure, but it is relevant for other specifications. Resources for asa level further mathematics students amsp. Likewise, the videos take you stepbystep through exam questions. I am certain your advice is going to help improve my confidence in further maths, and make my further maths grade match my normal a level maths grade. Edexcel igcse further pure mathematics 4pm1 the maths centre. May 27, 2015 ultimate guide to further maths gcse topic index level 2 qualification from aqa. Edexcel a level maths complete revision notes all units. Each textbook comes packed with additional online content that supports independent learning, and they. Histograms and cumulative frequency, averages, measures of dispersion, box and whisker diagrams, probability, linear regression, skewness, product moment correlation coefficient, discrete random variables, expectation and variance, discrete uniform distribution, normal distribution, binomial distribution, poisson distribution, continuous random. This particular blog is from the atar notes forums, and was written by one of our awesome users, stick, who scored a 50 in further maths in 2012. Statistics is the branch of mathematics used to collect, analyze, interpret, and present data. Original post by supermushroom hello, below i have attached some amazing revision notes that i found online a while ago, all credit goes to the respected owners and i dont take any, im simply uploading them for others to use as im sure many people can make great use of them.
Pure 1 pure 2 stats 1 stats 2 mech 1 mech 2 core pure 1 core pure 2 further pure 1 fs1 fm1 fm2 revision resources. Further pure 1 revision notes updated june 2016 edexcel from simon baxter at shrewsbury international school, bangkok. Alevel further maths statistics revision notes and. Apr 08, 2015 the best maths o level notes compiled from all around the world at one place for your ease so you can prepare for your tests and examinations with the satisfaction that you have the best resources available to you. Select your exam board to find tailored a level mathematics revision notes. This includes relevant tips you wont find in the textbook which will prepare you for all types of questions that could come up in the exam. Gce o level 20092010 question papers and mark scheme international gcse from 2011 current syllabus. I have put together the following selection of excellent resources to help you prepare for your a level exams. With 2018 a levels and as level exams this month, hopefully these five websites will help you in the right direction. Ive read some chapters from my physics revision book and had some tutoring for the extrahorrible university entrance exam im sitting in a couple of weeks. Maths is a natural science concerned with the study of life and living organisms, including their structure, function, growth. As well as covering the pure a level maths course, mathscentre also provides maths revision resources for the applied maths in other subjects such as economics and engineering. Revision notes, summary sheets with key points, checklists, worksheets, topic questions and papers for aqa, edexcel, ocr, mei statistics 1 maths a level.
Composite functions video practice questions answers. If your school has registered with the amsp your teachers will be able to access additional resources that they can share with you. High quality ciecaie igcse,as,a level, and sat revision notes made by students, for students. Revision notes, summary sheets with key points, checklists, worksheets, topic questions and papers for aqa, edexcel, ocr, mei further pure 2 maths alevel. This is vital if you want to have a thorough understanding of a. A level maths further maths revision notes of an undergraduate theoretical physics student. I will be developing resources for further pure 1 in the october half term. Edexcel fp2 revision notes revision notes in a level and ib. They are designed to introduce you to concepts so that you can learn the material for each section by working through appropriate examples.
Edexcel further pure mathematics past papers shawon notes. Product rule for counting video practice questions answers. On this page you will find a complete set of lesson notes for the a level maths syllabus as taught from. I completed geometry and trigonometry, graphs and relations and businessrelated mathematics as my three modules. This is a complete set of handwritten revision notes for edexcel alevel further maths, but it is relevant for other specifications. Matrix transformations of the unit square ultimate revision. Aqa level 2 certificate in further mathematics revision on mr. This forum has 4 topics, and was last updated 3 years, 1 month ago by admin. Alevel further maths revision notes bundle teaching.
Further maths exam questions by topic a level maths revision. Today has been my most productive day of halfterm so far. It can take awhile to get through your first past paper, as theres a lot of filling in the gaps. Our new a level maths and further maths textbooks retain all the features you know and love about the current series, whilst being fully updated to match the new specifications. Alevel further maths statistics revision notes and example.
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